
Saturday, September 14, 2013

Knit season

So strange that I was in a tank top earlier this week and yet today's casual Friday outfit of a sweater dress and leggings was totally appropriate. I wore flats without socks as I can't quite bear to break out the boots just yet because once you do there's just no going back. Yet it either didn't warm up much today or it had gotten cool again because I was SO COLD when I got home. I'm not ready to turn the heat on just yet, but I AM ready to pull out my knit cottage slipper socks. I made these probably 4? 5 years ago? And I just love them. They are so warm and cozy (and fit in rather nicely with the debris of a child who loves reading and stuffed animals lol) that I keep coming back to them every year. These are basically my test version. I've improved the way I handle the ribbing in such a chunky yarn, and subsequent pairs I've made about an inch shorter in the foot for an average (7-8) size because mine are ever slightly too large. But I never make myself a new pair. Must be nostalgic or something. I've given a few pairs as gifts that have been quite well received, and I put them up in my shop last year on a whim. And wouldn't you know, they've become one of my most popular and inquired about items. As the knitwear season rolls around again, I have to say, I can see why!


  1. looks perfectly cosy to me! We've had a return of cold weather here so winter woolies are definitely on the cards :(

  2. Those do look nice and cozy! We had the same weather around here last week. It was 90 degrees one day and 66 the next.

  3. I will keep my eyes out for them when our weather stays cool. I'm always looking for good boot socks! ((However, I'm one of those people that has to peel off her socks about three seconds after I get home. Proudly barefoot even in our freezing winters!))

    1. Thanks, though I will say that they are a bit too thick to be worn under boots - you'd have to go up a size! More suited as slippers, so probably night right for a barefoot gal. Which I have to say is nuts! I get so uncomfortable if my feet are cold! :)
